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7 years ago

People, please! If you are trying to write Steampunk, or imply it, please, please, please figure out what Steampunk is!


7 years ago
Reply to  Hitch

A music video for this exact subject https://youtu.be/TFCuE5rHbPA 🎶

7 years ago
Reply to  Ian

No need for anyone else, to ever comment further on the topic–that video, which is bloody priceless–says it all. Absolutely perfect. And so literally perfect forthis cover, which has–gasp!–gears stuck on it.

TY for that, Ian.

7 years ago

This looks like someone took a vampire the masquerade sourcebook and just retitled it.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago

I had to Look Inside! The Viktorian era heroes include “Edgar Allen Poe as The Raven” . . . . uh, that’s Allan. the author gets it right later own, but wrong on the first mention.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

“on” for “own”. See, I can spellnazi my own typos.

David King
7 years ago

I just noticed the price in the top left hand corner. Who pays $19.95 for something like this?
And is that the selling price of the book, or the cover designer’s fee?