Hell to Pay?: The Blasphemous Absurdity of Damnationism February 3, 2018NathanCovers9 Comments Hell to Pay?: The Blasphemous Absurdity of Damnationism I’m certainly convinced. font boredom MS Paint reborn! Previous postNew Covers For Old: The Next Generation, Part XXVII Next postThe Night Marchers
John 11:35
They are not helping their case.
“Damnationism” is that even a real word!?
That’s what I wondered, but apparently it is? (unless they created their own Wikipedia article): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damnationism
BTW, I’m curious – when Nathan talks about the thumbnails – is there a specific size it needs to look good at? I’ve seen different thumbnail sizes for book covers – in Bookbub, Amazon, etc.
It can be anywhere from 100 to 200 pixels in the largest direction.
On my laptop I receive Amazon “Customers who bought …” thumbnails at about 110×160 pixel size. Delends on device.
Having read the blurb it actually sounds like a well thought out and researched book. Just a terrible cover.
It’s an absurd cover.