Honestly, he couldn’t even find/generate a convincing star field to serve as the background? Also, I think the obviously drawn-on coloring on the one planet there qualifies this cover for an MS Paint reborn! tag.
7 years ago
Do that many people search for novels by Stanislaw Lem that this fellow thinks it will help by taking on such a bad pen name? You ain’t Lem, dude. Give it up.
7 years ago
Whyever did he make all the planets actually round? That is just unseemly for this style of cover. ‘Tain’t fittin’, I say.
Honestly, he couldn’t even find/generate a convincing star field to serve as the background? Also, I think the obviously drawn-on coloring on the one planet there qualifies this cover for an MS Paint reborn! tag.
Do that many people search for novels by Stanislaw Lem that this fellow thinks it will help by taking on such a bad pen name? You ain’t Lem, dude. Give it up.
Whyever did he make all the planets actually round? That is just unseemly for this style of cover. ‘Tain’t fittin’, I say.