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9 years ago

Two VERY unhappy, stealth-photographed, Renaissance-dressed women do not represent:
1) Christian
2) Western or
3) Romance.

Clearly another author who has never seen a book.

9 years ago

I clicked on the link, hoping maybe it was from a confused author that meant Western Europe or Western Civilization, but nope. Blurb mentions the Oregon Trail. So, I can only agree with Kris on this one. Complete failure in cover design.

9 years ago
Reply to  EricL

So, don’t you think that 19th century folks on the Oregon Trail took time out for a Renaissance Fair once in a while? I mean what else did they have to do for fun, when they weren’t busy getting dysentery?

john e. . .
9 years ago
Reply to  Karl

haw haw haw

9 years ago

Even the three-legged horse is bored. The other one is hiding.

9 years ago

It’s almost as if the author had a set of prefabricated covers and a bunch of stories written and decided to attach each of the stories to one of the covers. Then, when almost all of them were attached, she had one last cover that didn’t fit anything and two stories left over that were both in the Christian Western Romance genre. What to do, what to do…

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
9 years ago

Uh, their outfits look more like Medieval attire than Old West.

Oh, well… Guess I’m being way too picky about such insignificant details. My bad.

9 years ago

Question: do you guys think that this dude got releases, from the, uh, “models?” 😉

Is it me, or are the covers here actually getting *worse?*

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
9 years ago

It’s almost like a disclaimer, isn’t it? “No hey, look – I KNOW they LOOK grumpy as hell, but trust me, underneath all that they’ve got hearts of gold, honest…”

9 years ago

I don’t think “western” means what you think it means…