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7 years ago

Well, then, res ipso loquitor. You damn sure can’t tag this one False Flagging!

7 years ago

I don’t think “stultingly” is a word. Does he mean “stultifyingly”?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
Reply to  dtw

There is one English translation of the Quran 31:18 that uses “stultingly” for a word other Arabic translators render as “in insolence” or “with pertness” or “exulting overmuch”.

This could be the intentional use of an obscure English word (translate google could not find a translation for “stult” so it is not common English).

Or this could be a typo for “stultifyingly”.

I mean, for a book whose cover ends up here, what are the odds?

David King
7 years ago

The most interesting thing is the 3 crucifixes floating around the planet. Otherwise this could be the most boring cover (and book) in the universe.