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Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago

I was expecting something different from the top 1/3 of the cover. Something a lot different.

10 years ago

She looks like she is covered in flour and is being punished for making a mess.

Where’s the beast?

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

I kinda want to give this a ‘false flag’ tag, even though I can’t make out what’s it’s actually about and I have no idea what the flag is trying to say. The cutesy striped cat logo isn’t helping anything either.

10 years ago

She’s all like “[Sigh], every time I try to help Mom make cookies, the world friggin’ asplodes.”

10 years ago

Radio news: “There were no survivors of the mysterious explosion at the PTA meeting tonight.”

Gwen Mills: “That’ll teach them to make me bring a bad report card home for Mom to sign!”

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago

On the cover:
The girl is one of the survivors of a modern San Francisco earthquake.
That should be obvious from the flaming mountain, sad little girl, and cutsy kitty logo.
And if it is not obvious to you, you should have read the book; then, you would have known what the cover did not convey to you as a potential book buying browser.
On the book:
I wonder if story treats the science of natural disasters, the facts of emergency response, and the nature of human action and reaction as accurately as the book cover represents the story?

john e. . .
10 years ago

A better cover, courtesy of http://www.boredpanda.com:

On the Back of the Beast.

I say!

10 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

That bird looks so confused, I think it must have seen this cover.