I wonder sometimes if the writers of indie romances actually look for the most bored expressions that they can find. I know that these two have almost certainly never been within 50 miles of each other, but I can just imagine the conversation they would have if they were:
Female: Are we done here yet?
Male: No idea. I’ve been asleep since the shoot began.
The Look Inside! has both this Book 1 cover and the series cover. The difference is night and day. Well, they’re both really dark covers, nightscapy, so, what I mean is, the series cover is better. This cover, not only is there no connection between the two figures, their proportions seem off.
I wonder sometimes if the writers of indie romances actually look for the most bored expressions that they can find. I know that these two have almost certainly never been within 50 miles of each other, but I can just imagine the conversation they would have if they were:
Female: Are we done here yet?
Male: No idea. I’ve been asleep since the shoot began.
The Look Inside! has both this Book 1 cover and the series cover. The difference is night and day. Well, they’re both really dark covers, nightscapy, so, what I mean is, the series cover is better. This cover, not only is there no connection between the two figures, their proportions seem off.
Huh. So this individual is capable of doing better covers and has simply chosen not to in this case. Odd choice.
Yep, she’s the most bored person I’ve seen on a book cover. Totally used the wrong photo library image there.