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David King
7 years ago

There’s a white speck on the horizon. That’s the girl on the yacht. The photographer obviously just lacked the right zoom lens.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
Reply to  David King

At the left if you zoom in closely (like 800%) there’s a 27 x 8 pixel blob suggestive of a boat; the girl may be one of the pixels. Or she could be below decks on the yacht.

7 years ago

Maybe the GIRL is riding the YACHT over the great waterfall where the Tiltee Ocean drains over the edge of the earth, as a beer barrel ploppeth o’er ye majestic Niagara Falls.

7 years ago

That’s the MYSTERY, fools! 😀

Meanwhile, I’m confused about the authorship. “Donahue Thomas / Karen”? Does that mean Thomas and Karen Donahue? (And if so, why doesn’t it say that?) Or is one author transitioning?

7 years ago
Reply to  dtw

In legal terms the / means “or”, as in A/B means either A or B. If you write a check to John/ Jane Doe, either of them could cash it instead of both having to endorse the check.

So I guess they aren’t certain which one of them wrote this.

7 years ago
Reply to  dtw

And, just to add an option, there is the Ryan-Hunter Mystery. Are they two people, or one person with a hyphenated last name?

7 years ago
Reply to  Tuula

Or Mystery Thriller, who hunts Ryans?

7 years ago

This cover is one big spoiler. Obvious that the yacht sank with the girl trapped on board. The End.

David King
7 years ago

The yacht is sailing downhill on that sloping sea