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7 years ago

The Unk needs to learn the difference between a book and a movie, I guess.

Also, despite the use of the word “mommies”, which led me to think that this was going to be some goofy satirical romp about how the kids won’t shut up in the back seat and ooo, isn’t it scary how misbehaved they are, this is a legitimate horror novel about violent rest stop murders, I guess??

David King
7 years ago

A book cover that advertises a movie called Ink at the bottom.

David King
7 years ago
Reply to  David King

I wrote Unk, but autocorrect changed it

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
7 years ago

“Attention all units, we have a fifty-foot naked female lying across the highway 200 kilometres from Vegas…”

David King
7 years ago
Reply to  L-Plate Pen

I can see her now you mention it.
Before it was a dark blue cloud.