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10 years ago

Is he a little person?

10 years ago

Yes, I agree. Change this book one small step at a time by hiring a pro cover designer.

Is it me, or does he look pasted on? Is he missing a shadow, or is it just a cloudy day?

10 years ago
Reply to  Catie

I believe that he’s in the shadow of a tall building or the sun is behind a cloud.

10 years ago
Reply to  DED

I can see a shadow now when I zoom in but… It’s weird. Flat. As if the stairs are not there. The image looks legit, but it still looks off somehow. The colors have clearly been messed with, just look at the weird color of that sky…

10 years ago

His cover might be meek and mild, but his book claims aren’t: “Explore potential ways to improve many aspects of your life, including your financial wealth, as well as your physical and mental health.”

Not my kind of book, but if you are going to be so bold as to claim that you can solve people’s money woes, health issues, and mental illness all in just 142 pages, then you need to make your cover BOLD and brash too.

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

But, see, he’s taking a *step*! And he’s stepping *upward*!! The whole thing is so deep and meta that I think I have to go and lie down.