Apprentice Wizards of Hope December 26, 2017NathanCovers8 Comments Apprentice Wizards of Hope It has sprung eternal, it seems. art for a refrigerator bad font choice Previous postTishla Next postFrom Amish Ashes
To bad there’s none of that in this cover.
Not MY refrigerator. My kitchen has standards.
Since it’s “apprentices”, I’m guessing the nice lava monster and the blue fairy are the good guys fighting the evil human kid.
I rather like the lava monster. He looks friendly. I think he’s projecting a force-field to keep the boy with the deformed leg safe from the bad weather and the falling fairy-with-Marge-Simpson’s-hair.
I’m thinking that these are Wizards of Wishful Thinking, kinda like the idea that that’s an actual book cover–more wishful thinking.
Not to worry. The Master Wizard called Mario will soon come leaping into the frame to save the day.
Nobody went for “Apprentice Wizards of Nope” then?
Gotta leave SOME low-hanging fruit for y’all.