PREDICTABLE VIOLENCE: A psychological thriller with a whodunit that will amaze. October 14, 2017NathanCovers8 Comments PREDICTABLE VIOLENCE: A psychological thriller with a whodunit that will amaze. I remain unconvinced. font boredom Previous postWhen Angels Fly Next postThe Impeachment of President Trump?
…show, don’t tell.
A tutorial in: How not to design a psychological thriller’s book cover.
With that sort of photo, it usually turns out that Slenderman “dunit”.
If it’s that predictable, I probably won’t be amazed.
Who could have predicted that cover?
n.b. to the publisher: if you’re trying to convince people that you have an amazing reveal, using the word “predictable” in your title was probably a bad move.
Putting a . in the subtitle does not amaze
Who’d Unit? Who D Unit? Who Du Nit?