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7 years ago

Yupperdoodle. Anyone wanna tell her that plurals don’t get apostrophes? Or apostophe’s? No? Oh, well. I can’t figure out if it was mistakenly used in the title…or correctly used, mistakenly, in the subtitle. Bets, anyone?

7 years ago

Uh, all that stuff is outside.

Sirona Danu
7 years ago

Plus, the photo appears to have been too narrow for the width, so the “designer” mirrored it near the left edge. Now the carrot tops, broccoli and what-not over there make a perfectly symmetrical garden monster with mantis eyes. Cannot unsee that hideous franken veg.

7 years ago
Reply to  Sirona Danu

Yeah – if the pic was too narrow, why didn’t they just scale the thing up a bit and lose some of that yellowy background?

7 years ago

Oh, this sort of thing makes me weep into my tea.
As a type nerd, I fret not only when I see apostrophes where they shouldn’t be, but also when they’re the wrong bloody character anyway. The one at the top is a fugly straight typewriter apostrophe and I’d lay money that the one at the bottom is an acute accent; it’s certainly spaced like one.

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago

I think they meant “Gardening For Beginners” and [a] “Beginner’s Collection”.

I can imagine what the proofreaders at the Press where I worked 1969-2004 would have done with that cover.

But, then, we are imposing our ancient cisgrammatical privilege on a generation to whom beginner’s can be beginner singular possessive or beginners plural or beginner is or whatever. Face it, we are mean Grammar Nazis and (if we are not careful) a squad of AntiGraNa will descend and club us into correctness.

7 years ago

She’s just following the greengrocer’s time-honored tradition of superfluou’s apostrophe’s.

7 years ago
Reply to  misterfweem

And I don’t know why I said “She.” It’s too early for thinking.