That’s a helmet? Oh, I see it now. Did someone sit on it?
Why do people think it’s necessary to splash a random photo on the cover because it is oh so relevant to the story? Without the helmet it would have just been bad with that boring off centre font, but the addition of the helmet makes it downright laughable.
Marisa Morabito’s contribution wasn’t that great, but they had to include her on the cover anyway.
10 years ago
The worst part of all this: had they not dropped that distorted photo of a football helmet in there and had the font been something more inventive in some legible color (such as bright yellow), the stock artwork beneath all of it would have served just fine for a cover.
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Every time I see “Based on a true story” I snicker and roll my eyes. It’s basically saying that what it is is FICTION! Some sort of roman a clef. And probably a crappy one at that.
Just once, I’d like to see “Based on an UNtrue story.”
Photobombing Conehead football helmet.
That’s a helmet? Oh, I see it now. Did someone sit on it?
Why do people think it’s necessary to splash a random photo on the cover because it is oh so relevant to the story? Without the helmet it would have just been bad with that boring off centre font, but the addition of the helmet makes it downright laughable.
Marisa Morabito’s contribution wasn’t that great, but they had to include her on the cover anyway.
The worst part of all this: had they not dropped that distorted photo of a football helmet in there and had the font been something more inventive in some legible color (such as bright yellow), the stock artwork beneath all of it would have served just fine for a cover.
Every time I see “Based on a true story” I snicker and roll my eyes. It’s basically saying that what it is is FICTION! Some sort of roman a clef. And probably a crappy one at that.
Just once, I’d like to see “Based on an UNtrue story.”
If I ever write a parody or a comedy of some sort, I’m stealing that line.
Rather than an angel from next door.