I don’t know. Is it just me, or is the cover really not that bad? I’ve seen better art work, but this one has some visual appeal and does convey a sense of what the book is about. What am I missing?
10 years ago
I like the magical flame sword thing.
The rest of it is just…off. It seems like a lot of elements thrown together rather than an actual piece. And the text isn’t centered, which drives me bonkers.
But it really does get even “better” upon magnification. So bizarre.
Take Cover
10 years ago
“Dude, this field is occupied. Doesn’t anybody knock anymore? Sheesh.”
10 years ago
I thought it was a 3D at first glance. Anatomy is really good, proportions too. But the coloring is just… not skilled enough. Too much smudging at places, too messy at others. And the choice of pose is just weird. But it does peak my interest, makes me want to find out what exactly these guys are doing in that field.
The gentle tinkle of the waterfall echoed softly in the dreams of the three travellers, lulling them deeper into sleep. Gradually, the pitch changed, becoming higher and more urgent until it was as if many voices were crying on the still night air. In his sleep, Kaplyn sensed the change and fought to regain consciousness.
He awoke at once, immediately clasping the Eldric pendant, his gaze sweeping the clearing for signs of danger, but nothing stirred. His eyes kept returning to the waterfall and his mind fastened on the soft cries that seemed intermingled with the gentle splashing. The moonlight reflected brightly from the water; sparks of silver light danced as if seeking to hypnotise his weary mind. In mounting fear he tried to awaken the other two, but neither stirred no matter how hard he shook them. Even the horses and mules seemed to be sleeping. Other than the plaintive cry of the waterfall, no living thing could be heard and an unnatural silence pervaded the ancient forest.
All at once his pendant felt warm against his chest. Drawing his sword he was shocked to see the blade was glowing eerily, reminding him of the recent demon attack. Fearfully he crouched, casting around for signs of danger.
The pool seemed to be the source of the unnatural sound and, to his horror, the water started to ripple then boil as though alive. Transfixed, he watched as a shape broke surface, clambering from the bubbling waters. Two more shapes surfaced, clambering from the pool to join their comrade standing by its bank.
Cold eyes locked on Kaplyn’s and from dead throats came hollow laughter as the spectres raised dull blades.
Getting covers is difficult and costly. I know the artist and he did a brilliant job on the third book cover and also the omnibus edition. I am not sure book 2 is a little too colourful and book 1 a little too dark. the beaver on his face is the skeleton having been in the water for a long time acquiring algae and was the artist’s interpretation.
I found the above comments amusing and new covers are always a consideration. Unfortunately a trilogy would cost in teh region of $1000 so not to be sneezed at and I’m not sure new covers woudl necessarily be to everyone’s taste in any event
The art is alright really, a new skeleton Facebook could do wonders. The real problem I find in this is the typography. I looks as if someone just used word, and slapped it over the picture. It Is what is really killing the impact of this cover. Spicing that up would prevent a huge cost from happening and make the cover look more professional.
The other books did have clearer art, but typography is also needed there. These could go from meh, to zing with just a little font work! Just by fixing that, you could have a cover not worthy of this site. I think that would be a worthwhile investment in your brand!
I’d have to argue on the rest of the artwork. It does have its flaws, although I wouldn’t label it art for the refrigerator. But I guess what’s done is done and you must work with what you’ve got, so yeah, changing to some more appropriate fonts would definitely be an improvement. Something more fantasy-ish, but still legible.
I second this – I got a ton of feedback, and I’m a “one pixel to the left or one pixel to the right, 47% saturation or 48% saturation” sort of artist so it was quite helpful.
I don’t know. Is it just me, or is the cover really not that bad? I’ve seen better art work, but this one has some visual appeal and does convey a sense of what the book is about. What am I missing?
I like the magical flame sword thing.
The rest of it is just…off. It seems like a lot of elements thrown together rather than an actual piece. And the text isn’t centered, which drives me bonkers.
But it really does get even “better” upon magnification. So bizarre.
“Dude, this field is occupied. Doesn’t anybody knock anymore? Sheesh.”
I thought it was a 3D at first glance. Anatomy is really good, proportions too. But the coloring is just… not skilled enough. Too much smudging at places, too messy at others. And the choice of pose is just weird. But it does peak my interest, makes me want to find out what exactly these guys are doing in that field.
And the lighting is not bad either.
I cant tell if that is a person with a scraggly beard, or a badger with one.
I’m going with badger.
Is squatting guy wearing rubber pants or a partial wet suit?
Is that glowing sword made out of feathers? Some of it seems to be blowing away.
I didn’t realize that Crocs were invented in the middle ages, because the knight guy looks to be wearing a pair.
Q: How many times can the words “of the” appear on the same cover?
A: At least three. (But this is LBC so I can easily see that record being beaten.)
There are 14 words on this cover (inc. the no. ‘1’) and six of them are “of the.”
I think the knight is Nagilum in a helmet, with a metal-shavings beard.
Whoooaaaaa… Bilbo Baggins is looking BUFF these days..!!
The gentle tinkle of the waterfall echoed softly in the dreams of the three travellers, lulling them deeper into sleep. Gradually, the pitch changed, becoming higher and more urgent until it was as if many voices were crying on the still night air. In his sleep, Kaplyn sensed the change and fought to regain consciousness.
He awoke at once, immediately clasping the Eldric pendant, his gaze sweeping the clearing for signs of danger, but nothing stirred. His eyes kept returning to the waterfall and his mind fastened on the soft cries that seemed intermingled with the gentle splashing. The moonlight reflected brightly from the water; sparks of silver light danced as if seeking to hypnotise his weary mind. In mounting fear he tried to awaken the other two, but neither stirred no matter how hard he shook them. Even the horses and mules seemed to be sleeping. Other than the plaintive cry of the waterfall, no living thing could be heard and an unnatural silence pervaded the ancient forest.
All at once his pendant felt warm against his chest. Drawing his sword he was shocked to see the blade was glowing eerily, reminding him of the recent demon attack. Fearfully he crouched, casting around for signs of danger.
The pool seemed to be the source of the unnatural sound and, to his horror, the water started to ripple then boil as though alive. Transfixed, he watched as a shape broke surface, clambering from the bubbling waters. Two more shapes surfaced, clambering from the pool to join their comrade standing by its bank.
Cold eyes locked on Kaplyn’s and from dead throats came hollow laughter as the spectres raised dull blades.
That is an excellent point David.
Getting covers is difficult and costly. I know the artist and he did a brilliant job on the third book cover and also the omnibus edition. I am not sure book 2 is a little too colourful and book 1 a little too dark. the beaver on his face is the skeleton having been in the water for a long time acquiring algae and was the artist’s interpretation.
The other covers are at http://davidburrows.org.uk/
I found the above comments amusing and new covers are always a consideration. Unfortunately a trilogy would cost in teh region of $1000 so not to be sneezed at and I’m not sure new covers woudl necessarily be to everyone’s taste in any event
Apologies for typos, couldn’t find an edit button
See, that is a much better point! 😀
The art is alright really, a new skeleton Facebook could do wonders. The real problem I find in this is the typography. I looks as if someone just used word, and slapped it over the picture. It Is what is really killing the impact of this cover. Spicing that up would prevent a huge cost from happening and make the cover look more professional.
The other books did have clearer art, but typography is also needed there. These could go from meh, to zing with just a little font work! Just by fixing that, you could have a cover not worthy of this site. I think that would be a worthwhile investment in your brand!
Skeleton Facebook?
there is no edit button.
I’d have to argue on the rest of the artwork. It does have its flaws, although I wouldn’t label it art for the refrigerator. But I guess what’s done is done and you must work with what you’ve got, so yeah, changing to some more appropriate fonts would definitely be an improvement. Something more fantasy-ish, but still legible.
Very helpful comments and I will look at the fonts. You are correct to say – it has to be legible, especially when shrunk.
Here is the latest version: Not sure the html will work
Here is the latest version: Not sure the html will work
Ah, didn’t work.
Try submitting it to Cover Critics (see the side bar of this page). Then we can see it in place and I am sure you will get some helpful suggestions.
I agree completely! They have helped me with my cover so much. It is a great resource for authors and I love going there to help others!
We are helpful there! We really are. (We have helped a few other of the more mature authors that find their cover on lousy book covers)
I am pretty sure you qualify as not a batshit crazy author, so give it a go!
I second this – I got a ton of feedback, and I’m a “one pixel to the left or one pixel to the right, 47% saturation or 48% saturation” sort of artist so it was quite helpful.
Definitely. Here we can be snide, over there we’re helpful. It’s like magic.
Thanks all.Very kind comments and appreciated