Masters of Deceit August 21, 2017NathanCovers13 Comments Masters of Deceit It’s the typography that really, er, sets this apart. filteriffic readability Previous postBeyond the Dancing Flames: Fall of the Dragon Book 1 Next postLust (The Archive of Sinners Book 1)
Say what?
I think the title is a work of art. Bloody useless art.
Byline just looks blingy.
Not, THAT’S beyond the dancing flames.
This cover makes me want to resurrect J. Edgar Hoover and tell him they stole your book title, sic ’em!!
i’m pretty sure i just saw the cover guy on mst3k
Haha he looks a bit like the villain from The Final Sacrifice!
that’s the one!
as bad as that movie is, i’ll always give the actors credit for one thing: being able to say “zap rowsdower” with a straight face.
that takes talent.
Wasn’t that the one made in Canada for $1,500?
i believe so. and you can see every cent on the screen.
Haha I didn’t know that but it does explain a few things.
Masters of…poorly-applied eye shadow? Decadrons? Decatur?
Masters of something, anyway.
Masters of Fake Lens Flare, I think 🙂
I think the “readability” tag should be renamed “readability is for pussies.” That’s clearly the attitude behind titles like this.