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Ebony McKenna
10 years ago

I think I have my first ever migraine.

10 years ago


10 years ago
Reply to  Kris


10 years ago

Is that a hand holding that apple? It’s creepy.

10 years ago

Looks kind of like a cross-section of someone having their head incinerated from the inside out by some kind of fireball. Yuck.

Also, bonus points for the “artist’s” signature on the cover “artwork.”

10 years ago

I find the color palette very warm and pleasant… Too bad the image itself is terrible. And of course, the title just had to cover the main focus of the drawing. Maybe that’s for the best.

And can someone please explain what the title means?

L-Plate Pen
L-Plate Pen
10 years ago
Reply to  Catie

I’m thinking it’s a book about gardening – grow your own fruit and veg? Or a murder mystery where the victim gets an apple violently hammered against his cranium? Because he cheated with an olive tree which begat a fruitful vine?

10 years ago
Reply to  L-Plate Pen

All of the above are equally possible. But I’m still stuck on the title. I get the meaning of “the apple of his eye” but what does mentality has to do with it? It so doesn’t fit with the phrase it reads like “the apple of his eye… Mentality”. And just what kind of mentality is that? Is it good or bad? I don’t get the point. Must be the worst, most confusing title ever. Then the olive trees and fruitful wines? I’m so confused. Maybe it’s a book of poetry, poetry always confuses me.

10 years ago
Reply to  L-Plate Pen

I had to go look. Apparently it’s a book about religion. Explains my confusion.

Marion Green
Marion Green
9 years ago

Thank you all for the comments. I really appreciate the honesty of it all. Of course, if you desire to know more about the book, which is a book on how to get to the things you desire by thinking about yourself as if you are the apple (desire) of God’s eye. But there is so much more in the book than just the cover. I was very interested in my image being represented on this page. Sometimes negativity ends up being so positive and encouraging. You all have a pleasant day.

9 years ago
Reply to  Marion Green

Why not use your positive attitude and channel it into a better book cover which will help your book reach more people.

Face it: People are shallow. They care about the cover. Make a better cover, make more sales, make more money!