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10 years ago

Is that a cantaloupe with…teeth? Creepy melon harvest.

There’s also a finger and something like an ear in that mustardy ick mist.

And what that green crap is (frosting?), I guess maybe honeydew remains?

Take Cover
Take Cover
10 years ago

Speechless because your jaws are being held open with a retractor?

I see a toy bunny. Anyone else?

Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago
Reply to  Take Cover

I can’t bear to look at it long enough to see images in it. There is something about this picture that really disturbs me (maybe many things).

10 years ago

I see the melon, and the bunny,I will also say this thing looks like a baby something screehing FEED ME NOW!!!

10 years ago


It has a new cover at Amazon. Not fantastic, but vastly better.

10 years ago

From reading the synopsis, the cover actually is kind of appropriate to what’s inside. It mentions something about a government experiment gone horribly wrong and a town being invaded by some kind of deadly sulfuric creatures. That toothy… thing on the cover (which looks like it’s lost an eye to that needle… brrr!) with what looks like mustard gas pouring out of its nose is presumably one of those monstrosities. In other words, this is apparently a genetic-engineering horror served up straight.

I’ll grant the banding artifacts on the murky green stuff in the background, the cliched font work, and the rather obviously cut-and-paste needle are all blatantly amateurish, but that nightmarish toothy rotten-cantaloupe-crossed-with-a-toy-bunny thing in the middle of the cover is wholly appropriate for this kind of horror novel: just recognizable enough to be revolting while also being just vague and undefined enough to be augh-get-it-away-from-me-it’s-horrible! disturbing.

I take it this cover is something that’s been in the queue a while? The new cover on Amazon seems to have been there for some time already, though you can still find a copy of this cover over at Goodreads. The artwork on the new cover is more professionally done, but nowhere near as gripping as this. Also, the author’s still using the same ridiculous fonts there; she’d do better to get a professional rendering of the horrible creature on this cover and find some snappier fonts for it.

10 years ago

Ok, need to go throw up now. KTnxBye