Proof that our species deserves to exist:
A) Without our species continuing to exist, we would not have covers like this to inspire gales of laughter.
B) If the author of this book is really into what’s indicated on this cover instead of making babies with women, our species’ gene pool will soon be mercifully free from his DNA.
C) Without our species continuing to exist, where would there be an audience to burst into gales of laughter upon seeing such a cover as this?
10 years ago
That’s not even a raptor.
10 years ago
I have to give them brownie points for that Segwayish lunar rover/scooter. I hope it has authentic fender flaps made with duck tape and cardboard.
I have to admit though, the images are rather nicely cut out, crisp and clean (except the hair, hair is always a bitch). The light sources are wrong, but still, I’m so used to seeing horribly cut out images that I find this one rather neat.
Proof that our species deserves to exist:
A) Without our species continuing to exist, we would not have covers like this to inspire gales of laughter.
B) If the author of this book is really into what’s indicated on this cover instead of making babies with women, our species’ gene pool will soon be mercifully free from his DNA.
C) Without our species continuing to exist, where would there be an audience to burst into gales of laughter upon seeing such a cover as this?
That’s not even a raptor.
I have to give them brownie points for that Segwayish lunar rover/scooter. I hope it has authentic fender flaps made with duck tape and cardboard.
Chuck Tingle? Bwahahahaha!
Sorry, but I think this is brilliant. And the thing on the Segway just looks so gosh-darned *happy*.
I mean, like, how much more ridiculous could this be? And the answer is, ‘none’.
Well, why wouldn’t he be happy? He not only survived mass extinction, but he got to be an astronaut WITH a friggin’ Segway!
Not to mention he gets to invade someone’s butt, according to the title. Judging by how happy he looks, he must really be into such things.
Is this a parody of some kind? Every time I look at the title I lose it.
According to Amazon, customers who bought this item also bought:
– My Ass Is Haunted By The Gay Unicorn Colonel
– Gay T-Rex Law Firm: Executive Boner
– Pounded By The Gay Unicorn Football Squad
– Taken By The Gay Unicorn Biker
– My Billionaire Triceratops Craves Gay Ass
We can only hope RK is right and none of these readers are breeding.
How can you be pounded by the entire gay unicorn football team? only virgins can ride unicorns, and once you’ve taken your first pounding…
All by the same author, by the way.
Tell me you’re kidding. Please. I beg you.
Unfortunately, Chuck Tingle is on a binge of titles ike that, seriously.
er, titles like that. The list is real.
Dammit. Did someone try to divide by zero again?
I have to admit though, the images are rather nicely cut out, crisp and clean (except the hair, hair is always a bitch). The light sources are wrong, but still, I’m so used to seeing horribly cut out images that I find this one rather neat.