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7 years ago

OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHKay. Now, those of us who patronize this site, and donate our hard-earned time and sweat and tears, suffer through a lot to aid the cause of great covers everywhere. Willingly. But, to implant an ear worm, like Karma Chameleon? Them’s fighting words.

Now I’m going to have the whole damn lyrics in my head, until the damn fireworks blow it out, tomorrow/tonight. BUGGER!!!

Boy George, I owe you one goddamn monster migraine. DAMMIT.

7 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

OOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Bloody hell. I warn you, I fight dirty:


Take THAT.

7 years ago
Reply to  RK

That lousy covers are an addiction,
When we critique, our fu is strong,
Once we see, they’re here forever,
Critique along, critique along….

Lousy lousy lousy lousy lousy crap book co-vers,
We see them now, we see them then,
Lying would be easy if your covers were like our dreams
Red, gold, and green, best we’ve ever seen.

Crappy Cover lovin’ in our eyeballs every day,
If we don’t like your covers, would you say,
we’re all critics, without conviction,
we’re all monkeys, who don’t know,
how to live, with all this friction,
it comes and goes, they come and go

Lousy lousy lousy lousy lousy D-I-Y co-vers,
We see them now, we see them then,
Lying would be easy if your covers were like our dreams
Red, gold, and green, worst we’ve ever seen.

Every day is like survival
We try to help, it’s not contrival,
We’re not block-ing your arrival,
But we can’t take, one more bad eyeful

Lousy lousy lousy lousy lousy D-I-Y co-vers,
We see them now, we see them then,
Lying would be easy if your covers were like our dreams
Paraphilia, cut-paste and nephileeems!

Thank yew. Thank yew verra much.