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10 years ago

I’m going to go home, watch my copy of “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians,” and forget all about this book cover. I hope.

Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago

Figurine Santa on the left looks like he’s about to lick, well, you know — and he looks pretty happy about it. But I’m not happy at all, after having seen this cover…

10 years ago

Finally Christmas comes to Santa (thanks MST3K)

I see that this is book three of the “Banged by Monsters” series so I guess they think of Santa as a monster.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ericb

Well, it is kinda creepy how Santa sees you when you are sleeping. Plus he apparently kisses mothers in front of their children, who become so traumatized they have to write annoying songs about it.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

For Santa’s sake, I hope she didn’t just finish eating a big bowl of beans!

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

And Santa better be careful about that pipe in his hand, too. 🙁

10 years ago

Christmas is coming and Santas will be everywhere…and wherever there is a Santa I will see a bikini-clad, poorly outlined bimbo waiting to get it on with Old St. Nick. Another holiday tradition tarnished by lousy erotica with crappy fonts in appalling colors and a really stupid nom-nom.

Thanks, Nathan.

No, really, thanks! 😉

10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

What a great tagline you thought up by accident.

‘Christmas is coming’

Love it.

10 years ago
Reply to  Waffles


john harvey
10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

OMG – I think I am busting a Santa-sized gut laughing at this.

Yes. Yes. Santa is happy about licking, you know, the bikini-clad ornament.

Wendy Christopher
10 years ago
Reply to  john harvey

I think he’s just doing his duty there. From the direction he’s looking, he’s clearly got a fetish for gloved Santa-hands… 😉

10 years ago
10 years ago

Maybe if there was more, say easter bunny and pumpkin head, the tagline could be ‘holidays are cumming’ ?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago

I will steal a punch line from a Gahan Wilson cartoon of two ancients walking past an altar dedicated to Nihil: Is nothing sacred anymore?