The Haunting of Vampire Valley September 28, 2014NathanCovers10 Comments The Haunting of Vampire Valley Photobombing comedy mask! bad font choice layers upon layers photobombing pixelation Previous postZombie Forest Next postJunk DNA
The author ALMOST succeeded in hiding his identity. I don’t blame him.
Also photobombing random giant pixel-blobs, because… um… because… insane?
A book in ‘A Series’.
By Can’t Reader and A Gentleman.
What? There is B series too? ‘Joy!’ said no reader of this ever…
Thespian mountain meets pixelated Star Trek mist.
Do the vampires live in that little cabin? Where do they find victims all the way out there among the pines?
I’m posting sings on all the trails and roads into the valley:
Visitors Enter at Own Risk
Hungry Vampires Ahead
Put them up at daylight, take them down at dusk, and watch the vampires starve or have to travel to Outofthewayville for snacks and a six-pack.
Just use Glow-in-the-dark paint on your signs – the Vamps will never be able to read it, and you don’t need to take them down every day.
Of course, a group of hot teen guys and gals, out to, um, “explore” the woods, will ignore this warning… resulting in an all-too-predictable plot.
Nice day for a haunting. At least they have the weather on their side.
See the soon-to-be-upcoming movie based on this soon-to-be-a-bestseller novel: Poltergeists vs. Vampires
This author did not do research. Everyone knows the undead vs werecreature enemies list.
Ghosts only hate Weretigers, not vampires!