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James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Starring the Undead Ents?

10 years ago

It’s the *bright and sunny* mid-afternoon of the living dead – in the “forest” of a single tree!

10 years ago

Cord Wheaton? Bwhahahahaha!

Hicksville zombie hunter: got a cord of zombie limbs out yonder for next winter so we’re gonna be warm and toasty like shredded wheat in a microwave.

10 years ago

Okay world. You are done. Zombies are beyond done.

The beating horse is dead.
You beat it to death long ago.
The carcass has been picked clean.
The bones have bleached in the sun.
You beat the bones of the beating horse.
The bones have turned to dust.
You collected the bone dust and added water, made it into a crude statue of a horse.
You beat the statue of the beating horse’s bones until it was dust.
That dust has scattered in the wind.
Then the planet the dust was on exploded, messily.

Move on!

john e. . .
10 years ago
Reply to  Waffles

But you forgot about the most important iteration – the Zombie Horse! Let’s beat on that for a while.

10 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .

True, there could be a
‘You brought it back to life as a zombie thanks to an insane monkey virus and fed it until it was so bloated that it burst and was killed (again!)’
line in there. I will remember that for next time.

Waffles – willing to take constructive criticism and/or rich buttery syrup!