What the devil is public domain fan fiction? Fanfic of public domain characters? That’s just new work, it’s not really fanfic at that point. And if it’s fiction of established characters still under copyright, then… I don’t know that you can call the fanfic public domain even if you want to.
Also, terrible cover.
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
I associate “fan fiction” or fanfic with self-published fan writings posted by the authors on internet fora devoted to a TV show, movie, book series, genre, subject, etc. using iconic characters from the media. “Public Domain” means uncopyrighted or copyright not renewed.
There are self-publishers who, when a submission call does not get enough new stories for a full book page count, will pad out their anthologies by picking up public domain stories off the internet (usually pre-1923 classics).
The subtitle “Public Domain Fan Fiction” makes it sound to me like the editor trolled the internet and picked up unprotected fan fiction as public domain and anthologized it like freebies.
(That might be what What Waffles and Lucie LeBlanc are upset about or they be revolted by the fact most fanfic is really bad and the idea of a fanfic anthology is like a nightmare of toxic waste dumps or critical mass meltdowns of junked nuclear reactor rods.)
What has that got to do with the cover? Well, the subtitle “Public Domain Fan Fiction” gave me the impression the fanfic stories were copied’n’pasted’n’printed as public domain without permission of the authors. Nothing I have found in the internet postings about this title indicates otherwise. If the authors of the stories cooperated with this anthology, the blurb is either misleading or can be misread.
I sit corrected. The Smashwords blurb does say “… incredible mish mash of public domain characters …”. The subtitle/tag line says “Public Domain Fan Fiction” when it is fan fiction about public domain characters.
You are right. I was disgusted because I thought someone just trolled the internet, stole some fan-fics from people, smucked it together, and then published it.
Aren’t all original works automatically copyrighted? I’m guessing this idiot thinks that if the story is online, it’s free for the taking. Which makes him an infringer, no matter what quality of work he stole.
If this person makes any money off of taking public domain fan fiction and compiling it into a book… I may get sick.
I’m going to hold your hair and pat you on the back while you’re sick. Please do the same for me. 😉
Deal! Let’s be repulsed together!
What the devil is public domain fan fiction? Fanfic of public domain characters? That’s just new work, it’s not really fanfic at that point. And if it’s fiction of established characters still under copyright, then… I don’t know that you can call the fanfic public domain even if you want to.
Also, terrible cover.
I associate “fan fiction” or fanfic with self-published fan writings posted by the authors on internet fora devoted to a TV show, movie, book series, genre, subject, etc. using iconic characters from the media. “Public Domain” means uncopyrighted or copyright not renewed.
There are self-publishers who, when a submission call does not get enough new stories for a full book page count, will pad out their anthologies by picking up public domain stories off the internet (usually pre-1923 classics).
The subtitle “Public Domain Fan Fiction” makes it sound to me like the editor trolled the internet and picked up unprotected fan fiction as public domain and anthologized it like freebies.
(That might be what What Waffles and Lucie LeBlanc are upset about or they be revolted by the fact most fanfic is really bad and the idea of a fanfic anthology is like a nightmare of toxic waste dumps or critical mass meltdowns of junked nuclear reactor rods.)
What has that got to do with the cover? Well, the subtitle “Public Domain Fan Fiction” gave me the impression the fanfic stories were copied’n’pasted’n’printed as public domain without permission of the authors. Nothing I have found in the internet postings about this title indicates otherwise. If the authors of the stories cooperated with this anthology, the blurb is either misleading or can be misread.
I sit corrected. The Smashwords blurb does say “… incredible mish mash of public domain characters …”. The subtitle/tag line says “Public Domain Fan Fiction” when it is fan fiction about public domain characters.
You are right. I was disgusted because I thought someone just trolled the internet, stole some fan-fics from people, smucked it together, and then published it.
Aren’t all original works automatically copyrighted? I’m guessing this idiot thinks that if the story is online, it’s free for the taking. Which makes him an infringer, no matter what quality of work he stole.
Look at the description. It’s fan fiction BASED ON public domain characters.
Either way, my head might just explode trying to make sense of this one.
Dude, no matter what, fanfics should be free and no one should be paying for them.