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john e. . .
10 years ago

It’s AntiMatter Girl! Her only weakness? Cover Critics from the web!

10 years ago

But it’s much easier (cheaper) to lift a sexy female silhouette from a Google search.

10 years ago

Bathing in Paradise Creek sounds like a western or maybe middle-frontier sort of story, and the background supports that. The silhouette looks like she fell off a mudflap. Guess she fell off and back in time. And now look at what she’s done.



Ebony McKenna
10 years ago

Bill crumpler. He’s gotta know when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em.

john harvey
10 years ago

In case you thought he might have stolen his plot line about a woman named Eve, a man named Adam, and yes, a serpent, he says this:

Author’s Note: This story is based on my story “Paradise Creek.”

I’m suprised he doesn’t also tell us that his description of his book, “Bathing in Paradise Creek” (based on his story “Paradise Creek.”) is based on the actual book, “Bathing in Paradise Creek.”

10 years ago

Hey guys, you know, shadows need to take baths, too….

10 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Need to scrub that smudge off.

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

“Pity there are no actual photographs of women in water anywhere…”

But, but… then you’d have a cover with a nekkid woman on it! :O

10 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

I think you will find that well placed soap bubbles, wet hair, and branches can cover any shame.

john e. . .
10 years ago
Reply to  Waffles

Excepting bad covers of course! You need a shredder for that.

10 years ago

Too bad the silhouette isn’t transparent.