That reminds me. I haven’t taken my antidepressant today.
Lucie le Blanc
10 years ago
WOW. Hum… that’s… interesting. Lay off the drugs, will you, dear author? Because you’re driving all these nice folks here to depression. They’re really just trying to make this a better world, you know? Rubbing their face into their failure is just cruel. Thank you.
Why are there THREE titles? And an armadillo taco squeezing that fuzzy city?
Armadillo taco…Bwhahahahahahahahaha!
This is a cover with an identity crisis. I suggest therapy. For the author. LBC therapy! ;-P
I thought for sure this was a pair of pants at the bottom…
Tetris? What are you doing there?
That reminds me. I haven’t taken my antidepressant today.
WOW. Hum… that’s… interesting. Lay off the drugs, will you, dear author? Because you’re driving all these nice folks here to depression. They’re really just trying to make this a better world, you know? Rubbing their face into their failure is just cruel. Thank you.