Holy crap! You’re a douche. You wouldn’t know design if it bit you in the ass. Let’s see you make a better cover. You’re a douche had never accomplished anything in his life.
O wise Chase, you have divined that anyone who doesn’t like your book cover is therefore an unaccomplished douche? What insight you have into human character. You must be a terrific writer!
Please, Chase, keep whining about the big mean internet ganging up on you. Google just loves it when authors post this kind of desperate defense under their own names.
10 years ago
Total fail as a thumbnail. Just a mess of unreadable text.
You’re a total fail with a name like Kris. What a gay name. It sounds like you’re confused. Can you come up with a better book cover? I seriously doubt it.
Ron, it’s another one of those cases where you’re a total douche bag. Have you read the book, Ron-the-douche-bag? Maybe you should read the book before you go mouthing off.
Now that I think of it, you’re an asshole. What have you contributed to the world. Have you read the book? It’s quite awesome and will knock your socks off.
Great. The best way to let people know that your book awesome is to have a comparably awesome cover, not a cover that you have to argue AGAINST to get people to read it. Also, you’re an asshole for posting while drunk again.
I just found this site on a search for my most awesome book. Thank you all for commenting. I greatly do appreciate you taking the time to comment. Negative feedback is a hell of lot better than no feedback at all.
In regards to the cover: Since it was a collection of short stories, I didn’t think would be a lot of sales, so I opted to design the cover myself rather than get a professional. Yes, I was trying to go for an old (circa Civil War) look in terms of font. And yes, I did look at the thumbnail, but in the end I was just too in love with myself and my creation (my book) that I couldn’t let go.
Maybe one of these days I will re-do the cover. Please provide suggestions. If you have no suggestions, then please feel free to trash the cover any way possible. All feedback is good feedback.
I will certainly check that out. Thank you for the insight.
Considering all the feedback here, I will come up with a new cover and submit that one.
BTW: This is a great site. Yes, I did kind of pull that book cover out of my ass. I was trying to get all the titles of my short stories onto the cover. If I think it is worth it, I will hire a professional. My other book (http://tinyurl.com/k4ecgkx) on Amazon has a professional cover.
As a graphic designer, I figured I could wing it, but no such luck.
Thank you for the feedback. There is indeed a lot of crappy book overs out there. I can’t say that I am happy to be one of them, but I am happy for the feedback,
Thanks for the feedback, John e… If you read my books (which I am not really shamelessly promoted in this response), you would know that I don’t take anything seriously. But as a graphic designer, I kind of thought I had something going on there with my cover, but I wasn’t sure. Book covers aren’t my thing. Anyway, like I said, any feedback (good or bad) is better than no feedback. I guess I will try to come up with a new cover or hire a professional like I did with my other book
(BM’s Gift: How Red Burtley Saves Furtz & Farlane Advertising).
Again, thank you for taking the time to participate in this discussion.
-Chase Watchman
P.S. Hey, I hate crappy art just as much as anyone else.
You know, I got to be honest with you (now that I am rip-roaring drunk), you idiots couldn’t find a decent book cover if it bit you in the ass.
My cover is totally awesome. You just don’t get it. That’s the problem with you people. You just don’t get it. This is an absolutely awesome book cover. It’s got everything you need right there on the book cover. Other book covers are vague. Misery? What the hell is that about? I have no idea. My book cover lays it all out. There’s a story about about someone throwing up and there’s a story about an insurmountable number of cats, and there’s a story about a toilet. How can you wrong with that? It’s all right there–for the taking and loving.
“More fonts! We need more fonts!”
You’re a douche. Can you come up with a better cover? If you can, please submit one.
Holy crap! I count nine fonts! How quickly the new record has fallen.
Holy crap! You’re a douche. You wouldn’t know design if it bit you in the ass. Let’s see you make a better cover. You’re a douche had never accomplished anything in his life.
O wise Chase, you have divined that anyone who doesn’t like your book cover is therefore an unaccomplished douche? What insight you have into human character. You must be a terrific writer!
Please, Chase, keep whining about the big mean internet ganging up on you. Google just loves it when authors post this kind of desperate defense under their own names.
Total fail as a thumbnail. Just a mess of unreadable text.
I was going for this look: http://tinyurl.com/mfhkmvn. I weighed the thumbnail aspect heavily, but my ego said go for civil war poster look.
Thanks for the feedback,
Chase Watchman
You’re a total fail with a name like Kris. What a gay name. It sounds like you’re confused. Can you come up with a better book cover? I seriously doubt it.
Just another one of those cases where a workable idea was handled incompetently.
I guess I was going for this kind of look:
But you’re right, the concept totally fell on it’s face. Maybe you could give me some ideas.
-Chase Watchman
BTW: I love this site. It’s given me a lot of insight.
Ron, it’s another one of those cases where you’re a total douche bag. Have you read the book, Ron-the-douche-bag? Maybe you should read the book before you go mouthing off.
Now that I think of it, you’re an asshole. What have you contributed to the world. Have you read the book? It’s quite awesome and will knock your socks off.
Great. The best way to let people know that your book awesome is to have a comparably awesome cover, not a cover that you have to argue AGAINST to get people to read it. Also, you’re an asshole for posting while drunk again.
I just found this site on a search for my most awesome book. Thank you all for commenting. I greatly do appreciate you taking the time to comment. Negative feedback is a hell of lot better than no feedback at all.
In regards to the cover: Since it was a collection of short stories, I didn’t think would be a lot of sales, so I opted to design the cover myself rather than get a professional. Yes, I was trying to go for an old (circa Civil War) look in terms of font. And yes, I did look at the thumbnail, but in the end I was just too in love with myself and my creation (my book) that I couldn’t let go.
Maybe one of these days I will re-do the cover. Please provide suggestions. If you have no suggestions, then please feel free to trash the cover any way possible. All feedback is good feedback.
Thank you all for commenting,
Chase Watchman
Hi Chase,
Thanks for taking it all in fun. The best way to get constructive criticism on your cover is to submit it to our sister site, CoverCritics.com.
Hi Nathan,
I will certainly check that out. Thank you for the insight.
Considering all the feedback here, I will come up with a new cover and submit that one.
BTW: This is a great site. Yes, I did kind of pull that book cover out of my ass. I was trying to get all the titles of my short stories onto the cover. If I think it is worth it, I will hire a professional. My other book (http://tinyurl.com/k4ecgkx) on Amazon has a professional cover.
As a graphic designer, I figured I could wing it, but no such luck.
Thank you for the feedback. There is indeed a lot of crappy book overs out there. I can’t say that I am happy to be one of them, but I am happy for the feedback,
-Chase Watchman
Chase – you win the “Best author’s reaction to finding his/her book on this site.” At least for the past couple of months.
Thanks for the feedback, John e… If you read my books (which I am not really shamelessly promoted in this response), you would know that I don’t take anything seriously. But as a graphic designer, I kind of thought I had something going on there with my cover, but I wasn’t sure. Book covers aren’t my thing. Anyway, like I said, any feedback (good or bad) is better than no feedback. I guess I will try to come up with a new cover or hire a professional like I did with my other book
(BM’s Gift: How Red Burtley Saves Furtz & Farlane Advertising).
Again, thank you for taking the time to participate in this discussion.
-Chase Watchman
P.S. Hey, I hate crappy art just as much as anyone else.
You know, I got to be honest with you (now that I am rip-roaring drunk), you idiots couldn’t find a decent book cover if it bit you in the ass.
My cover is totally awesome. You just don’t get it. That’s the problem with you people. You just don’t get it. This is an absolutely awesome book cover. It’s got everything you need right there on the book cover. Other book covers are vague. Misery? What the hell is that about? I have no idea. My book cover lays it all out. There’s a story about about someone throwing up and there’s a story about an insurmountable number of cats, and there’s a story about a toilet. How can you wrong with that? It’s all right there–for the taking and loving.
So, get off my filthy back.
-Chase Watchman
Posting anything when drunk is a bad plan man.
I’m drunk again and I stand by this message.