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10 years ago

“Hmmm… Paleface woman edit ’em pictures with crippled mouse.”

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Holy Moly! Where did she get that font? Uh, a repurposed Christmas gift, perhaps?

10 years ago

A Lakota Christmas? does that seem peculiar to anybody else? I mean the cover suggests a Lakota Christmas is pretty much like any old Christmas, so…WTF?

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

It means the forbidden love of a white woman for an Indian man is hot stuff in the romance section of indie small press. Sorry, pirates, the unemployment and lonely hearts lines are over there (unless you can learn to speak and love in Viking).

10 years ago
Reply to  Naaman Brown

“It means the forbidden love of a white woman for an Indian man is hot stuff in the romance section of indie small press” and take as many liberties with setting and plot devices as desired.

Yeah, the poor pirates. They’re so 2010. :-/