Note #1: Not an eagle.
Note #2: Neither eagles nor wolves should be bridled anyway.
Note #3: I think “type text 4” was an instruction for the indie publisher which she didn’t follow.
Note #1: Not an eagle.
Note #2: Neither eagles nor wolves should be bridled anyway.
Note #3: I think “type text 4” was an instruction for the indie publisher which she didn’t follow.
I don’t think that head goes with that body. In any event the cover Indian looks like he’s been spending too much time in the gym or has been taking steroids … in the 1860s.
Also, I wonder how many people first look at this book thinking its human/wolf porn. Shouldn’t regular romance novels feature women on the cover as well?
Agree about the head. That’s been bothering me for awhile.
I’m not sure the arms go with the body either. It just looks weird.
So, they have an unbridled desire to catch an eagle? My guess is that wolfie is hungry, considering that you can see through him. As for stud muffin, maybe he wants the feathers to make himself a shirt. It must get cold running around at night while topless. Either way, watch out eagles!
Such a mess of a cover, and yet the Kindle edition ranks well over 20,000.
Let me repeat myself for emphasis:
What a profound line!
😀 Best cover fail I’ve seen so far in 2015.
To be fair you shouldn’t bridle an eagle or a wolf, but I’d still pay good money to watch someone try.
And yes, this cover is a mess. I’d call it a hot mess, but I’m not that way inclined.
I’m willing to try to bridle the stud muffin.
TYPE TEXT 4 all the way.
The body’s arm is as big as the pasted-on micro head.
“This way, when I’m mad at myself for doing something stupid, I can snap my own pencil-neck!”
This cover reminds me of one of my favorite books: INSERT TITLE HERE, by the inimitable AUTHOR NAME HERE.
Dang, Karl, now I have to clean sprayed coffee off the computer. 🙁
The cover at the Goodreads listing is more attractive and focuses on Mariah. This cover at the Amazon listing makes Silver Eagle (her Indian lover) look like the guy in Beetlejuice after the headshrinker struck back.
(BTW Text 4 appears to be Sanserif Type.)