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10 years ago

Maybe this cover could be salvaged. Drop everything in the green field and re-take that photograph, but this time have someone holding a gun standing outside of the barn. I don’t mean that they should be photoshopped in. Go back to the barn and actually pose someone in the photo. Then expand the photo so that it fills most of the cover without stretching it and find a new title font.

But maybe I’m asking too much.

10 years ago

Mr. Black stood mesmerized, his imagination soaring, while reading the first paragraph from the “One Shade of Green” episeries (Book 1) : “It was all so different before everything changed.”

john e. . .
10 years ago
Reply to  red

“What an amazing start,” he thought, silently, to himself.

10 years ago

Fate is a blurry shadow on the green screen of life.

10 years ago

Yeah, he photo’s got some great qualities–the lighting, the colors, the angles. Rest of this is C-R-A-P. The two halves don’t even go together. The barn is tranquil and rustic, a little mysterious. The rest is a green-screen cartoon with a totally different (unappealing) feel. Bleh.

10 years ago

I feel sorry for the barn, and who ever photographed it.