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Kristopher L Neidecker
10 years ago

The derp that herped the derp, more like. Though that could just be a sex face. Who knows.

10 years ago

I love thinking of this as a sex-face. Rotate the picture 90 degrees so it looks like she(?)’s on her back, put a line of drool leaking from the corner of her(?) mouth, maybe add a word-balloon with “Urrrrgh…” Woo! Hot stuff!

john e. . .
10 years ago
Reply to  Karl


We all like you . . . we enjoy your company . . . we think you’re great . . . but we all think you should, er, well, maybe go outside . . . get some fresh air.

Just step away from the keyboard. Your loved ones miss you.

🙂 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  john e. . .


James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Hi, God. Pleased to meet you. Hey, can you fix my eyes? TIA…

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago
Reply to  James F. Brown

And maybe my ears, too?

10 years ago

Description: If you follow the trail of clues left behind by thousands of years of our ancestors what do you find?

Review: You’ve probably never read a post-apocalyptic Sci-Fi novel like this, but then maybe you have.


10 years ago

It might look OK in a sort of retro way whatever that drawing is supposed to be was replaced with something better.

10 years ago
Reply to  Axolotl

Sorry, IF whatever…

10 years ago

So, a cross-eyed green skinned goblin I do sort of get, but wearing what? A much too voluminous shower cap? Buy he’s bald! And what does he have in his mouth? Or did someone use the painting for target practice? I fully understand the urge, but I could not have stopped at one.

10 years ago

If the author wants us to believe there is a God, perhaps the cover art shouldn’t look like you can only see him when you’re on LSD.

Ebony McKenna
10 years ago

God wears pink lipstick, because nobody looks good in coral.

10 years ago

*Big breath*

Seriously. That’s what happened when I saw this. Hilarious! i’m still laughing. What a treat!

Wendy Christopher
10 years ago

‘The Boy Who Met God’

…And THAT’s what happened to him? Whooooaaaaa….. as religious PR campaigns go, this one’s bombed.