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10 years ago

What is this Sports Illustrated? Title font is SO wrong.

Of course, not nearly as wrong as the squished walking guy’s grassy (ain’t got no) neck. I mean, WTF is up with THAT?

– No, an astigmatism doesn’t help. I have a fairly profound one in one eye and this cover still looks like crap. Nothing can compensate for sheer graphic idiocy.

Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

Agreed. I have astigmatism in both eyes. I took my glasses off and looked. I think it might actually be worse…

Kristopher L Neidecker
10 years ago
Reply to  Sneaky Burrito

Agreed. My astigmatism is severe enough to make eye doctors gasp and sadly it doesn’t make this better.

10 years ago

From the copyright page: “Book Cover designed by Dubya”

I’ve seen Dubya’s paintings, they are way better than this cover.

(No, astigmatism doesn’t help. And when I tried simulated color blindness, the author’s name became Howard’S Belchen).

10 years ago

I tried looking at it through my right eye, that is quite badly astigmatic. I just see the figures doubled – NOT an improvement.

10 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

So we almost have a sample size adequate for scientific research. “New paper proves astigmatism does not improve perception of badly made book covers”

10 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

All the world’s an LBC . . .

Sneaky Burrito
10 years ago
Reply to  Nathan

I was one of those kids with such poor vision that I wasn’t any good at sports, etc. I stayed inside and read all the time (through my Coke bottle glasses — I’m also badly nearsighted, and have had multiple surgeries for strabismus).

I’ve remained interested in books through the years, which was what led me to this site (along with several other book-related web hangouts I frequent). Maybe it’s a similar story for others?

10 years ago

No one has mentioned that the guy in the suit is levitating on one foot! 😉

10 years ago
Reply to  Kris

That’s not the only thing levitating, look at his head…