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10 years ago

I find the main image interesting. It’s just used all wrong. Also, I’ve been watching Yugiohabridged too much as my mind automatically reads the title as Searchers of Exodia.

10 years ago
Reply to  L.

I read it as Searching for Yoda.

10 years ago

It needs at least two more borders! You can never have enough borders around your cover art.

10 years ago

What’s with the question marks? Is he unsure if his own book is supposed to be satire?

10 years ago

Well, David, if you don’t know if it’s satire, don’t look at me for confirmation…cuz I’m not reading this book. Hint: The cover is a marketing fail.

10 years ago

It’s a bad sign when even the author is not sure where the book fits.

David D. Tracey
David D. Tracey
10 years ago

Hi, I’m the author of the book above, David D Tracey. I like this cover, a lot. And if you read a book because of its cover, don’t read mine. By the way, it has a four out of five star ranking. And about the question marks, I placed them because one person said it isn’t a satire. I therefore leave it up to the reader to decide if it is a Satire or not. Have a nice day!

10 years ago

Everybody reads books based on the cover. Anyone claiming otherwise is either an idealist or a hypocrite. But a good cover won’t make people instantly read the book, while a bad cover WILL make people instantly avoid the book.

Think if it like this:
You sit at a restaurant and order a meal. When the waiter brings it, it looks like the cook shat on your plate. It looks like something has crawled into the plate and died there. What would you do? While you sit there, aghast, the waiter says: “No, really, it tastes delicious.” The dish has five stars in the local restaurant guide. But in spite of all that, it still looks like excrement and you just can’t bring yourself to put it into your mouth. Now, some people are braver than most and will give it a try, but most will just say “Get that shit out of my face.” If your book was a dish, I would not eat it, and I’m pretty sure none of the others here would. Now tell me, what self respecting cook would let his delicious meal look like shit? What would be the logic in that? The better the meal looks, the fresher, the more people will eat it. It’s as simple as that. Why do those high class chefs waste so much time decorating their meals if looks don’t matter?

What you should get out of this is not that your cover is bad, but that your cover can be better. Instead of arguing with everyone and defending it, you might want to jump over to the sister site http://covercritics.com/ and let these people help you make this cover better. It’s a good concept, and with some feedback it can become a good cover as well. There are a few designers and some experienced writers here and they give really good advice, and they’re not as half as mean as they look 😉

Also, don’t listen to everything your readers say, a thousand people will have thousand different opinions. You’re the writer. It’s when a large portion of those thousand share the same opinion, that’s when you need to listen (and practically everyone here agrees this is not a good cover).

10 years ago

Well what was the point of creating a cover if not to attract readers?

And I will gladly heed your warning and not read your book.

David D. Tracey
David D. Tracey
10 years ago

This is the writer o Searchers of Ex-o-da again. I read your critiques You were all correct. I have a little art background so that enambled me to insert eyes. I imagine that is a good thing to have if your a Searcher. I did get rid of the question marks. Five others read my book after I put them in and they all said the story is humorous. Thank you all for your imput and advise. David D Tracey