Yellow scorpion: “Remember when I said ‘I’ll be back’? This isn’t what I had in mind.”
10 years ago
Good Lord, this cover is an abomination. The book was released 3 years ago and has zero reviews. Wonder if it’s the cover, or the first line of the awkward description that are keeping readers away in droves: “The year is 2085 and trouble is brewing.”
10 years ago
Someone let their three year-old play with MS paint.
I’m glad Nathan didn’t give this an “art for a refrigerator” tag, because no mother of any three-year-old would put this on any refrigerator. She’d just hand the tyke another sheet of paper and say “Keep trying, Sweetie.”
There are no words . . .
I can think of two: PEW! PEW!
Also: RAWRR!!
No, that’d be three words, which would be too complex for this cover. XD
Yellow scorpion: “Remember when I said ‘I’ll be back’? This isn’t what I had in mind.”
Good Lord, this cover is an abomination. The book was released 3 years ago and has zero reviews. Wonder if it’s the cover, or the first line of the awkward description that are keeping readers away in droves: “The year is 2085 and trouble is brewing.”
Someone let their three year-old play with MS paint.
I was going to say, this looks like my 4-year-old niece’s handiwork. Nah, on second thought, she’s better…
I’m glad Nathan didn’t give this an “art for a refrigerator” tag, because no mother of any three-year-old would put this on any refrigerator. She’d just hand the tyke another sheet of paper and say “Keep trying, Sweetie.”
This has a Starship Troopers vibe to it.
Let’s kill some bugs!!!
What the heck are those black sticks on the yellow one? If they have stabbed said scorpion all you did was piss it off.
I thought they were the yellow scorpion’s very angry eyebrows. Cause, you know, they pissed it off.
I thought the yellow one was Scorpemon.