Jane_E, Friendless Orphan: A Memoir
A Jane Eyre story in a future of human cloning and bioterror. Because shut up, that’s why.
Jane_E, Friendless Orphan: A Memoir
A Jane Eyre story in a future of human cloning and bioterror. Because shut up, that’s why.
Is anyone else here old enough to remember these pro-smoking ads?:

There was a whole series of them, and one thing they had in common was extra-wide people. I swear they stretched the images horizontally, because wide faces and bodies equals strong personalities (evidently), and strong personalities ain’t afraid of no wimpy-ass cancer (presumably).
Anyway, that’s what this cover brought to mind.
When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Jane Eyre.
Actually, I don’t mind this cover. It could be better, but I’m not so sure it belongs here, provided the “a memoir” subhead gets removed.
The art is nowhere near professional-level.
I didn’t say it was near professional level, just that I didn’t mind it. Maybe the sheer volume of terrible covers on this site has made me immune to the lesser ones.
The cloning must have gone horribly wrong. I would have booted that monstrosity back into the vat.
Is it disturbing to anyone the cover looks like Michael jackson?
With a facial expression like that, no wonder she’s friendless. Would scare people away before they attempt any interaction at all.