Zenia August 21, 2014NathanCovers4 Comments Zenia So much work went into this… so, so much work… filteriffic pixelation WTF Previous postThe Queen of Legends: The Vipers Last Kiss Next postWord Of Mouth Advertising Network (W.O.M.A.N)
It actually reminds me of the original computer art for Neuromancer, except that there’s no way to tell if they were shooting for the retro-tech look or if they’re just inept.
Sure it did, Nathan. Sure it did. J. Gallagher obviously went in and personally pixelated all those pixelations with artistic purpose.
(Damn, Zenia’s got quite a chin. Makes Jay Leno look almost normal.)
“Zenia is a fast-paced, humorous novella, with an unreliable narrator.”
Clearly, that would be the “author.” O_o
This makes me think of Spinal Taps’ Stonehenge prop.
“Your design clearly . . .”