A Very English Revolution August 20, 2014NathanCovers9 Comments A Very English Revolution Pip pip, and all that. aspect ratio filteriffic pixelation seizure risk Previous postViking Sword Saxon Shield Next postDiary of a Psychotic Killer
Stieg Larsson – I apologize on behalf of all of us who are as offended by this book, as you would be if you were here.
Look away, and rest in peace.
It’s through a vanity press, anyway, so no one will read it.
Holy spirits! Do vanity presses even try before they milk you for all you got? What an awful display.
Now in Technicolor!
I can’t even believe someone had the balls to say that on his cover. Bloody awful.
That’s what struck me, too. Some serious brass, that takes.
Ok. The English revolution won’t actually be a revolution. At least that’s what I’m getting.
More like fans waiting properly for the ushers to open the gates so they can file in and watch the match–although they’ll be pretty crazy by halftime.