Viking Sword Saxon Shield August 20, 2014NathanCovers18 Comments Viking Sword Saxon Shield You get better expressions if you have them sign the model release before you photo-stalk them at the Ren Faire. cut and paste instamatic readability Previous postReaching Discontent Next postA Very English Revolution
They had hair gel in the middle ages?
While I realize that there are some people with the surname “Scrivener”, I’m always suspicious that it’s a pseudonym when it’s applied to an author.
Well, if this were your book, wouldn’t you want to use a pseudonym? I know I would.
Mebbe something like “Arthur Author” or “Wreginald Writer”…
For the record, the author names his “cover models” and thanks them, along with the photographer who snapped the cover pic.
Ouch. Joke backfire!
No – just a bigger fail for the photog.
The photographer just told them about the trap door they are standing on.
It is a little known historical fact that high school proms, and thus prom pictures, originated from the Vikings.
Will the Viking sword prevail? Will the Saxon shield endure? Will these models make it back to their jobs at K-mart before their lunch break is over?
That photo is just horrific. So is her wig.
I too think that’s a nom nom nom de plume.
He should have used the first name “Bartleby.”
As a person of German heritage with friends and family in Scandinavia, I have to say this cover is just stupid. Ugly…and stupid. Weird…ugly and stupid. Insulting…weird, ugly, and stupid.
But Sirona, how do you really feel?
I personally think both models have recently been hit on the back of the head with a shovel.
That might help this cover. Fresh blood. Added realism for those bloodthirsty Norsefolk.
“Ok. Where do you want me to stand? Turn this way? Which way? Should I be frowning or looking fierce? Oh, wait. You already took the picture?”
My first impression exactly: the photo was snapped while the models were waiting on direction.
From the inside of the book:
“Valerie Ball my wonderful Editor without whom this book wouldn’t have developed. Who’s highly professional input was much more than editing!”