Emma Beware May 12, 2017NathanCovers6 Comments Emma Beware I don’t know what that combination of images and fonts says, but it doesn’t say “teen abduction thriller.” false flagging random imagery Previous postTommy in the Promised Land Next postThe Gemini Bridge
Emma Beware…of romance?
Book One is not one word, thank you.
Maybe it’s a product placement ad for a lousy ice cream treat: “We all boo for BooKone.”
Emma Beware: BooKone
Watch out for that sinister moon! Behind you!!!
the only thing about this cover that matters is that the series in entitled “YA Suspense Series.”
Everything else is insignificant to me.
“You see, Ralph was a homosexual. He had no interest in Emma whatsoever. Her attempts to get him to molest her were all in vain.”