Marine August 15, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments Marine Whimper fidelis. bad font choice bulletin board layout filteriffic pixelation Previous postThe First Nudist Next postTwice Damned
I didn’t realize that Lara Croft was in a book series…
oh, wait…
Oh lookie…
Eh, don’t bother actually drawing it yourself. No. Just use the sample drawing provided. Seems very un-Marine of you, Tanya.
I don’t recognize the historical dude in red (my bad) but he seems out of place–and out of yellow.
The historical dude is the venerable Duke of Wellington.
Haven’t studied said historical dude. Now, if it was King Louis XIII of France, I’d have spotted him right off. 😉
Lara Croft can so kick his ass!
Who knew that the Duke of Wellington and Lara Croft were marines?
Do you suppose he could ask his staff to make me some Beef Wellington? I’m starving. Looks like Lara could use a heaping plateful, too. Fill out that Barbie-sized waist.