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10 years ago

Before I scrolled I thought Raymond Boyd Dunn was the title. Nope. That’s the author’s name there in 120 pt., sanserif type. While the title is waltzed up with a lame, scripty font there at the bottom.

I hope the author explains in the book what an “accidental winemaker” is, cuz I want to be one when I grow up. If I grow up. I’m over 50 with no plans to do so soon, but you know, just in case.

And someone shoulda wiped that model’s nose before the photo shoot. She’s got one helluva booger.

For the record, I kinda like the background image with the grape vines and stuff but green and orange? Really? Ugh-ly.

10 years ago

That little, dark speck under her nose is driving me crazy. Wipe your mouth!

James F. Brown
James F. Brown
10 years ago

Maybe it’s a Cindy Crawford mole or a penciled-in “beauty mark” a la “The Artist”.

Or it could be a fly… or an icky black booger… or ???

10 years ago

The orange sky. Is this accidental winemaking in the aftermath of an environmental apocalypse?

10 years ago

[Opens fridge, grapes fall out and he steps on them.] Oh DAMMIT I accidentally made wine AGAIN!