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David King
7 years ago

Looks like a self-help book, or a science textbook about some sort of sheets.
Or a book about nature.
So many conflicting clues on the cover.

7 years ago

Time also heals your eyes after looking at this blurry mess.

7 years ago
Reply to  Bruce

Even the title and author name (the first version of it, anyway) are blurry!

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
7 years ago
Reply to  Grackle

Why is the cover fuzzy? I read the title. “Time Heals, Forgiveness Mends.” I look at the picture. In my mind’s ear I hear the narrator of Mad Max II: “My life fades, The vision dims. All that remains …” are blurred memories, remembrances of things past, lost in the fog of time. I wax poetic, see how it shines.

7 years ago

“Tragically, the lawn was unaware of the trees’ plot to murder him by blocking out the sunlight until it was much too late for him to do anything about it.”