Decoding Da Kid: A Parent’s Guide to Texting
As written by a grownup desperately trying to seem “hip” and “with it.” (h/t john e. . .)
Decoding Da Kid: A Parent’s Guide to Texting
As written by a grownup desperately trying to seem “hip” and “with it.” (h/t john e. . .)
Well, right away I can tell the author doesn’t know what she’s talking about
I’ve had my cat walk on my laptop but I have to say I’ve never had the problem of tiny albino children all over it.
And what da (see what I did there?) heck does a laptop, with or without chains across the keyboard, have to do with texting?
Oh well, I’m sure that aside from the one example stuck over in the corner of this cover, there are absolutely no stock photos anywhere on the intertubes that show kids using smartphones, so a laptop with chains on the keyboard was the obvious next choice.
*Dear Sybil – Your first problem is you are trying to text on a computer. Try using a phone.
You’re welcome.*
Sybil’s phone probably has a rotary dial. EMACS is much faster.
Does this decode all kids, or just da faceless ones?
The problem with thia cover? Maybe it’s a briliant book. But we’ll never know… no way readers are going to take this book seriously with THAT cover.
I think that is true for most books on this site. Except for the brilliant part.
Is obscuring the faces like chopping the heads off torsos? A way around copyright infringement of borrowed images or paying models or sonething?