The Lord of Shadows Rises August 7, 2014NathanCovers7 Comments The Lord of Shadows Rises He rises so high, he stretches the book cover vertically! aspect ratio bad font choice credit where credit is due cut and paste Previous postLust in Rome Next postThe Hirelings
“I’ll edit your book for free, if you just put my name on the cover.”
Is this a sequel to the “Pizza Pizza” Lord of Shadows Rises, or simply another cover for the same book?
I’m betting the editing is just as good as the cover.
The MS Paint fill fail in the top right is really something to behold.
I don’t associate a lord of shadows with a white rose.
This cover looks a lot better at noon.
Maybe it’s a typo! It’s supposed to be “The Lord Of Shadows Roses”. I’m not saying it’s better.