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10 years ago

I believe you are right. This is a day-glow nightmare.

10 years ago

That profile looks like Putin, in an extra-creepy, Hitchcock-esque way. As for the graphics. Yikes! Is that building pink? No clue what that junk at the top is. I also think this is a classic example of WHEN TO USE a pen name. Rocchiccioli. Mouthful of Cs there. Although I suppose if you have a lousy cover to remember, you don’t need to dwell on the impossible name.

Lucie Le Blanc
Lucie Le Blanc
10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

This is TOTALLY Valdimir Putin’s profile. LOL I thought I was imagining things. Nope. 😉

10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

I saw “broccoli” at first.

10 years ago

Someone found the ‘Invert’ button in Photoshop I see.

john e. . .
10 years ago

I keep seeing these covers where people seem to think they can just cram shit together, layer it on top of other layers of crap, ignoring sensible composition, creating crazy incompatible perspectives, and basically just puking all over the “cover” in whatever manner they like.

Then they publish it.

I think Nathan summed it up best in the previous post, “What the what what?”

Matt Nelson
10 years ago

Now, on the other hand, I bet this cover looks amazing under black light if you’re completely blazed.

10 years ago

Just one of those panels might work on its own, without the silhouette. But none of them would tell you the genre. I like the part at the top for a book of poetry, or a memoir, maybe.