A dead pastor with a brand new two million dollar life insurance policy interrupts Eddie Rose’s romantic vacation in the central Mexican town of San Miguel de Allende. The small town of Booth, Mississippi, is shocked by the apparent murder of a prominent pastor late in a steaming hot summer. Was it murder? Was it suicide? Big Western Insurance wants to know and Eddie is their ace freelance investigator.
Totally not the book that goes with this cover.
Is this Mexico? Are those ghosts in the foreground? Ghosts disguised as flowers? Stick figure ghosts dancing under the tree? Is death all purple and yellow? What? I’m confused.
Take out the flailing sticks and pre-schooler-designed house and this has possibilities. I’m betting this is one of those times when someone told an author that covers do better with people on them. Note: stick figures DO NOT count as people.
Maybe Eddie Rose is into absinthe.