Of Jewels and Gems April 5, 2017NathanCovers5 Comments Of Jewels and Gems Not just “artist,” mind. “Artiste.” art for a refrigerator credit where credit is due Mystery Meat Previous postThe Sword of Islam Next postNative American Action Stories
“She likes writing poetry the best, as it’s freeversed and is easier to manipulate words and to make it sound pretty.”
Damn, if only I had talent like what she has got.
Like plays wot Ernie wrote?
I’m a little concerned that the tree has a rather large, saggy bottom. At least, I hope that’s it’s bottom…
It’s definitely a boy tree.
,,,and fish and hearts and moons and mountains and rainbows and plants and apple trees….
…and green clovers.
Oh, wait, that’s Lucky Charms, which at least can brag about having utterly worthless as food, empty calorie marshmallow bits.
Why is the blindfolded cow laughing?