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10 years ago

WHY DO PEOPLE STRETCH PHOTOS??? *jeez* Makes me want to stretch them!

If they would just go to a bookstore, they might see how the cover is supposed to match the genre of the book. WHAT a concept! O_o

10 years ago
Reply to  Kris

I stole this whole image from the internet, I am am going to use every single pixel of it!

Cropping? No. Cropping is for chumps and graphic designers!

10 years ago

The woman in red is just too perky. If anyone in this book is murdered, Nathan, I bet it’s her.

10 years ago
Reply to  LydiaFCG

That blond beside her has a real ‘I am coping your pose’ thing going.
I bet she is the one that kills the woman and red!

10 years ago
Reply to  Waffles

Yeah, the blond. You can see the evil plotting in her eyes.

10 years ago

I carried two babies to term–beautiful little girls–and I don’t recall ever sitting around grinning like an idiot with a hand or hands on my bulging belly. This (stock) photo is so fake and staged. Usually by the time women are this pregnancy-big, they’re kinda miserable or at least uncomfortable (yes, there are always those saintly few who are joyously happy to be so round) and a group of them sitting around is a chance to kvetch not be so f*ing chipper.

So, the real-mom kvetching aside, this cover’s a crime no matter what story it’s attached to. The fact that it’s about murder and dark whatnot is just that much worse.

The scenario:
Oh, look, a pic of pregnant women sitting around looking jolly! Why, my book’s got a pregnant woman or six in it, I’ll use that photo!

(Notice, I didn’t say use it correctly. That would never happen. More like: Hmm, it looks all funny and squished. How do I fix it? No idea. Oh, well. Use it anyway.)

scott colbert
scott colbert
10 years ago
Reply to  Sirona

By the time my sister was that far along in her pregnancies, you didn’t want to be in the same room, let alone sit next to her. She’d had enough and was miserable.

AZ summers are a bad time to be pregnant.

10 years ago

Looks more like a focus group for some marketing company. The four women facing the camera are pregnant and holding little blue pamphlets. The woman facing away from the camera is holding something else, like a closed folder containing a legal pad. And I’m not sure that she’s pregnant.

10 years ago

Isn’t it just so convincing when actors pretending to be pregnant have to hold their fake guts in their hands to stop them falling out of their shirts?

10 years ago

It’s like the scene near the end of the book where all of the suspects are gathered together in the same room at the same time. That must be Hercule Poirot’s surrogate in the lower right corner.

10 years ago
Reply to  red

(Spoiler: It’s Surrogate Mustard in the Mayo Clinic with a birds ‘n’ bees pamphlet.)

Naaman Brown
Naaman Brown
10 years ago

Perhaps altering the photo by squishing was thought to be “transformative” under “fair use” guidelines.