Fighting Out of New Milford, USA July 19, 2014NathanCovers10 Comments Fighting Out of New Milford, USA Pew! Pew! Pew! cut and paste instamatic layout woes readability Previous postShakespeare on the Roof Next postDrawdown
Is that a Gatling gun? So this is history or historical fiction. Oh wait. Those are zombies. Must be history.
There are only four zombies. I think the Gatling gun is a bit of an overkill.
Yes, but it’s more fun.
You must not have ever taken out the Fatman Mini Nuke Launcher to dispose of a single Radroach, or used a BFG to kill a single Demon, or used an empowered fireball to eliminate that one already half dead kobold.
Trust me, it is worth it.
Oh for the luvva…a Gatling gun for zombies? I think they already ate this dude’s brain, he just doesn’t know it yet.
As a thumbnail this teensy photo is a total fail.
It appears this is part of a series. Damn zombies are everywhere…on lousy book covers.
Wow! He even used three of the same zombies.
Perhaps the zombies are the stars of the book series then?
That would certainly be more interesting than what it probably is about.
Ummm minor point here. But you are in a GD train for gods’ sakes. If you can’t out run them, why don’t you close the door?