Twisted City July 16, 2014NathanCovers8 Comments Twisted City You ever realize that you saved the thumbnail version over the full-size version? Yeah. bad font choice pixelation Previous postSecond Thoughts on the Ledge Next postManagement Decision
Another nice graphic ruined. Makes ya want to cry.
Oh, so close…
Actually, while the picture is compelling, I think the fonts could use an upgrade (after fixing the resolution issue).
Yes, and get rid of the red font on the near red background!
I am so sick of Reck text.
black background rather.
At least it’s readable. Not to defend reck text, in general. But it could be worse.
Well, a city divided is frightening enough, but a city divided and at war? Ain’t nobody coming out of that alive.
Lol, yeah – when a divided city goes to war that’s MUCH worse than when a undivided one does.
When I see things like that all I can think of is the poor graphic artist that’s been duped… Like he sent the thumbnail for approval and the author used it without paying…